Polyhedra Blender

Version -1.0
Created by SUN4V.pb Team


The principle on which Quarkhedra of HO and DI types are constructed, forms the whole family of rather interesting polyhedra.

Polyhedra Blender realizes a principle of interaction of polyhedra due to which the world of polyhedra receives huge quantity of new interesting representatives. By analogy to name Polyhedron Compounds this family can be named Polyhedron Blends.

The algorithm still is rough and not in all cases pleases with an end result, but generally all this works, and some blends can already deliver feeling of true pleasure :-).


size: 8Kb
is FREE only for non-commercial use.

Using with Mathematica

Adding of a polyhedron to a blend:

addMode[vertices, faces]
addMode[vertices, normals, faces]

In the first version of method Polyhedra Blender itself will calculate normals for faces. It well works in simple cases, for example in case of a convex polyhedron.

Removing of a polyhedron from a blend:

deleteMode[index] removing of a polyhedron with 0-based number index
deleteAllModes[ ] full clearing


(* Make sure you put polyhedraBlender.jar onto your CLASSPATH before trying the example below, or use the AddToClassPath feature of J/Link to make it available. *)

<< MathWorld`Platonic`
<< JLink`

mesh[obj_] := Module[{v,f},
v = obj@getVertices[ ];
f=obj@getFaces[ ] + 1;
Polygon[#]& /@ (v[[#]]& /@ f)]
(* gives a list of polygons for a polyhedron *)

vNgon[n_, k_, r_] := Module[{a = 2Pi/n, b}, b = k*a;
Table[{r*Cos[i*a + b], r*Sin[i*a + b], 0}, {i, 0, n - 1}]];
(* gives a list of vertices for a n-gon *)

addPoly3DSet[obj_, vNgon_, ax_, ay_, n_, k_, s_] := Module[{
a = 2Pi/n, b,
ff = Table[i, {i, 0, Length[vNgon] - 1}], fb,
normf = RotationFormula[
RotationFormula[{0, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 0}, ax], {0, 1, 0}, ay],
v = Map[RotationFormula[#, {0, 1, 0}, ay] &,
Map[RotationFormula[#, {1, 0, 0}, ax] &, vNgon]]},
b = k*a; fb = Reverse[ff];
Do[obj@addMode[N[Map[RotationFormula[#, {0, 0, 1}, s*(i*a + b)] &, v]],
N[{norm = RotationFormula[normf, {0, 0, 1}, s*(i*a + b)], -1*norm}],
{ff, fb}], {i, 0, n - 1, 1}]];
(* adding a set of n-gons *)

InstallJava[ ];

polyhedraBlender = JavaNew["sun4v.pb.PolyhedraBlender"];

addPoly3DSet[polyhedraBlender, vNgon[2, 0., 1], -Pi/6, -Pi/6, 9, 0., -1];

polyhedraBlender@deleteAllModes[ ];
addPoly3DSet[polyhedraBlender, vNgon[3, 0., 1], -0.8, 0., 7, 0., -1];

polyhedraBlender@deleteAllModes[ ];
addPoly3DSet[polyhedraBlender, vNgon[2, 0., 1], -0.5, -0.5, 7, 0., -1];

addPoly3DSet[polyhedraBlender, vNgon[5, 0., 1], -1., 0., 7, 0., -1];

addPoly3DSet[polyhedraBlender, vNgon[7, 0., 1], 0., 0., 1, 0.5, -1];
polyhedraBlender@setValue[2, polyhedraBlender@getNumModes[ ] - 1];

polyhedraBlender@addMode[{{0., 0., 1.}, {0., 0., -1.}},
{{1., 0., 0.}, {-1., 0., 0.}}, {{0, 1}, {0, 1}}];
polyhedraBlender@setValue[2, polyhedraBlender@getNumModes[ ] - 1];

polyhedraBlender@deleteAllModes[ ];
phCd = Polyhedron[Icosahedron6Compound];
Module[{ph}, Do[polyhedraBlender@addMode[N[
PolyhedronVertices[ph = phCd[[i]]]], PolyhedronFaces[ph] - 1], {i, 6}];]

polyhedraBlender@deleteAllModes[ ];
phCd = Polyhedron[Dodecahedron5Compound];
Module[{ph}, Do[polyhedraBlender@addMode[N[
PolyhedronVertices[ph = phCd[[i]]]], PolyhedronFaces[ph] - 1], {i, 5}];]

polyhedraBlender@deleteAllModes[ ];
vNgon[2, 0., 1], -0.2 - i*0.2, -0.2 - i*0.2, 5, 0., -1], {i, 0, 5, 1}];

Clear[polyhedraBlender, phCd];

We are represent our small LiveGraphics3D gallery of blends here.
We with pleasure shall place references to your galleries.

last updated: December 30, 2004
© by SUN4V.pb Team

Hosted by uCoz